The Secret To Staying On Task and Mastering Execution

Do you find yourself getting easily distracted? Is it hard to stay focused on one task? Do you feel like the quality and quantity of your work is suffering?


For many this is un-chartered territory, working from home and being surrounded by many distractions and temptations, while trying to execute your to do list.

So let’s dive in and talk about the Pomodoro Technique, created by Francesco Cirillio in the late 80’s. Francesco developed this time management technique to stay in flow, remain focused and increase productivity.

The premise of the technique is to work in 25 minute increments with short 3-4 minute breaks in between each increment. This is how it works:

Step 1. Put your phone on Airplane Mode, shut down your emails, remove any possible distractions.

Step 2. Think about the one task you want to ACHIEVE today (you can also list out other tasks too) and how long you anticipate each task taking you.

Step 3. Now each 25 minute segment is considered a Pomodoro session. So write down the number Pomodoro sessions, (how many 25 minute segments) it will take to accomplish this task. Let’s say three (3) for this exercise.

Step 4. Get out your timer and set it for 25 minutes. Now get to work!

Step 5. BEEP BEEP BEEP…your 25 minute Pomodoro session is up!

Step 6. Now take a 3-5 minute break! After each 25 minute segment take a short 3-5 minute break, but nothing longer than that. Set your timer to time your break so you do not get distracted!

Step 7. Start your next 25 minute Pomodoro Session, then once the timer goes off take another 3-5 minute break!

Step 8. Once you have completed the three (3) 25 minute Pomodoro sessions, and your task is completed in its entirety THEN you take a 15-30 minute break. Time to really reward yourself!!

Step 9. Now you start all over again with the next task you want to accomplish.

Why i love the Pomodoro technique is because:

  • It helps us train our brains to stay focused

  • It increases our productivity and helps us become master executors

  • It gives you purpose and direction for your day with only 5 minutes of planning

Let me know how this works for you! You can find more information about the Pomodoro Technique at